Village of Weston issued the following on Sep. 28
Notice of Public Hearing, Plan Commission, Monday, October 12th, @ 6pm
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the Village of Weston Plan Commission, on Monday, October 12, 2020, at approximately, 6:00 p.m., or shortly thereafter, at the Weston Municipal Center, 5500 Schofield Avenue, Weston, WI 54476, to take testimony relative to the following:
Project # 20200340 Richard Bartig, of Graphics Plus, PO Box 57, Schofield, WI 54476, requesting a Special Exception Permit to allow a commercial sign exceeding 64 square feet and to allow the same proposed sign front setback closer than the height of the sign, on a property within the B-2 (Highway Business) Zoning District. The sign is proposed to be 90 square feet and approximately 6 feet from the front property line. The property is described as:
Part of CSM Vol 14 Pg 8 (#3713) (Doc #830165) Beginning at the NE Corner of Said CSM, then South 200 feet, the West 87.8 feet, then North 200 feet, then East 87.8 feet to Point of Beginning - Part of the NW ¼ of the SE ¼, Section 18, T28N, R8E. This parcel is identified as 2009 Schofield Ave, Weston, 192 2808 184 0974.
Project # 20200343 Travis Hoffman, of T&A Hoffman LLC, 6005 Mesker Street, Weston WI 54476, for Elite Custom Cabinetry, 6005 Mesker Street, Weston, WI 54476, to allow for the addition of an outdoor dust collector at his property at 6005 Mesker Street, within the LI (Limited Industrial) District, which the use falls under the Heavy Industrial Land Use, which is only allowed within the LI District through a Conditional Use Permit. The property is described as:
Lot 2 of CSM #18714 (Doc #1814946) - Part of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 16, T28N, R8E, Village of Weston, Marathon County, Wisconsin (192 2808 164 0107).
The hearing notice with application materials are available for public inspection on the Village of Weston website located at
Written testimony must be submitted to the Village of Weston Plan Commission, Valerie Parker, Plan Commission Secretary, 5500 Schofield Avenue, Weston, WI 54476, or emailed to, by noon, on Tuesday, October 6, 2020, to be included in the Plan Commission Meeting Packet. All interested persons wishing to provide testimony during the Public Hearing will be given an opportunity to be heard. COVID-19 social distancing measures are currently in place, attendance will be limited, and masks are required for those in attendance. Alternative measures will be provided on the final meeting agenda to allow those not in attendance to participate and comment.
Any person with questions or planning to attend needing additional special accommodations in order to participate should call Valerie Parker, Planning Technician, Planning and Development Department, at 715-241-2607.
Dated this 24th day of September, 2020
Valerie Parker
Plan Commission Secretary
Published as a legal ad in the Wausau Daily Herald on Monday, September 28, 2020, and Monday, October 5, 2020.
Original source can be found here.