
Central Wisconsin News

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Rep. Tiffany: 'When the arsonist [Biden] tries to convince you that he's the fireman'

Webp tiffany

Rep. Tom Tiffany | House.gov

Rep. Tom Tiffany | House.gov

Wisconsin State Representative Tom Tiffany compared President Joe Biden to an "arsonist" trying to portray himself as a "fireman" in response to Biden's statement accusing Republicans of indifference towards border security and immigration reform.

"When the arsonist tries to convince you that he's the fireman," said Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Wi), according to X.

According to Biden, "Let me make a few things clear: Congressional Republicans do not care about securing the border or fixing America’s broken immigration system. If they did, they would have voted for the toughest border enforcement in history. By blocking the bipartisan border agreement, they put partisan politics ahead of our country’s national security. And while Congressional Republicans are choosing to stand in the way of border enforcement, I remain committed to taking action to address our broken immigration system."

Rep. Tiffany's post | x

The Border Act of 2024, sponsored by Senator Christopher Murphy, proposes emergency appropriations amounting to $440 million for fiscal year 2024 for enhancing border security measures and combating fentanyl trafficking. An additional $36 million is earmarked to offer legal representation to incompetent adults as stipulated in the Immigration and Nationality Act. The legislation includes provisions to prevent the expansion of permanent positions within the Immigration Judge Teams using the allocated funds. According to Congress.gov, the Senate did not invoke cloture on the motion to proceed with the measure, with a vote result of 43 in favor and 50 against.

Tiffany, representing Wisconsin's 7th Congressional District, was elected in May 2020 during a special election. With roots in the district, he grew up on a dairy farm near Elmwood, Wisconsin, and holds a degree in agricultural economics from the University of Wisconsin – River Falls. Before Congress, Tiffany served in the Wisconsin State Assembly and State Senate, focusing on tax reduction, job creation, and protection of Second Amendment rights.



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