
Central Wisconsin News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Portage County is home to 151 registered sex offenders in week ending Sept. 17

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There were three more registered sex offenders living in Portage County in the week ending Sept. 17 compared to the previous week, according to the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry.

There were 151 sex offenders registered in Portage County in the week ending Sept. 17, compared to 148 the week before.

The Registry shows 136 of these sex offenders are White.

Black and Hispanic Americans are more likely than White Americans to be given lengthy prison terms after being found guilty of sexual assault offenses. Between 2006 and 2017, sentencing for sexual abuse convictions among Black people increased by 1,330.47%, while sentences for White people fell by 8.66%.

Wisconsin, which ranks eighth for the overall number of sex offenders, ranks fifth for sex offenders per 100,000 residents.

A total of 767,023 people were listed on state sex offender registries as of April 2022. This is approximately a two percent decrease from 2021.

Frequently updated information about sex offenders in Wisconsin can be found online here.

Registered sex offenders in Portage County as of week ending Sept. 17

Adam J. BicknaseWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Ae VangAsian or Pacific IslanderThird-degree sexual assault
Alan RzepiejewskiWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Andres X. NunezWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Armand W. CarverWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Austin J. GlodowskiWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Bradley Paul Julian ThomasWhitePossession of child pornography, sexual exploitation of a child
Brandon L. KlineWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Brett A. MarksWhiteCriminal sexual conduct - fourth degree
Brian GriswoldWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Bryan J. TessmerWhitePossession of child pornography
Chad J. MeyerWhitePossession of child pornography
Charles Nelson GodfreyWhiteChild enticement
Charles W. HagenWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Chester C. StanislawskiWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Christopher DietzWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Christopher J. DalskyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Christopher T. MorganWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Chue MouaAsian or Pacific IslanderFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Clarence SchultzWhiteSexual assault
Cody J. PattersonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, exposing a child to harmful materials
Cory D. O'keefeWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Cory J. BuelowWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Curtis J. GarskiWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Dale R. GoodfellowWhiteFourth-degree sexual assault
Dan GansWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
David A. KonopackiWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
David H. StevensAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
David P. ThierolfWhiteContinuous sexual abuse of child
Derek R. ThayerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Derek S. MckennaWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Dustin J. BryantWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Edwin K. PapkeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Emily L. AshbeckWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Emmanuel J. GonzalezWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Eric GallowayWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Eric T. AllisonWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Erik McdonaldBlackThird-degree sexual assault
Eugene G. RetzlaffWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Forrest J. GoetzAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeThird-degree sexual assault
Frank H. ZimbeckWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Frank T. ErnoWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Gerald J. GrywaczWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Gordon L. MillerWhitePossession of child pornography
Gregory F. GehinWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Gregory LoomisWhiteSexually violent person commitment, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Griff A. FirkusWhitePossession of child pornography
Henry M. KaminskiWhitePossession of child pornography
Jacob A. VargasWhiteBattery to a witness
James A. StankeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
James B. HigdonWhite, indecency with child sexual contact
James M. MillerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
James R. HowardWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jason D. EimermanWhiteUnlawful sexual activity with minors 16/17 years old
Jason RetzkeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jeffery S. LangWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jeffrey D. RozelleWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Jeffrey W. KolodziejWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jeffrey WoodworthWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jeremy J. LaskaWhiteAttempted luring a minor for sexual exploitation
Jerry QuickWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Jesse A. FraijoWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Jesus SolisWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joe GarciaWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joel A. CasarezWhiteThird-degree sexual assault, capture an intimate representation
John KnaackWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
John T. Sr TaylorWhiteSexual assault, cause child to view or listen to sexual activity, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Johnnie L. SallyBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jonathan M. MangenWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Jordan A. CoyleWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joseph EberlingWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joseph J. WurzingerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joseph T. BartowWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joshua R. RabideauxWhiteCause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Joshua SeiderWhiteThird-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Justin R. TaylorWhiteChild enticement, third-degree sexual assault
Keashon M. QuinetteBlackThird-degree sexual assault
Keev MouaAsian or Pacific IslanderThird-degree sexual assault
Kelly L. RoloffWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Kenneth A. LehmanWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Kenneth J. WilsonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Kenneth R. ZielinskiWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Kevin A. LangWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Kirby R. SchroederWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Larry D. HaesslyWhiteThird-degree sexual assault, sexual intercourse with a child
Lawrence Roger KeehnWhiteChild enticement
Leo Joseph PelotWhiteTrafficking of a child
Lon M. FederwitzWhitePossession of child pornography
Lucas James RothermelWhiteUse of computer to solicit or lure a child to engage in sexual conduct, traveling to meet minor to commit unlawful sexual offense
Manuel RochaWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Mark Montrell McphanBlackThird-degree sexual assault
Martin V. CrawfordWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Matthew A. BowholtzWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Matthew BrighamWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Michael D. HabermanWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael David TygartWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael F. PetersWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael ForetWhitePossession of child pornography
Michael GodwinWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael J. TrelkaWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Michael J. WernerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael LaneWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael T. JudayWhitePossession of child pornography
Michelle GrorichWhiteResponsible for child & knowing of sexual contact
Morgan R. HoweWhitePossession of child pornography
Nathan F. WoyachWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Paul PodgorakWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Peter J. AndersonWhitePossession of child pornography
Peter N. BurrowsWhiteFourth-degree sexual assault
Randall S. FloydWhite4th degree sexual assault, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Randolph W. EdwardsWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Reggie L. ThomasBlackSecond-degree sexual assault
Richard A. FirthWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Richard Edward BeranekWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault, first-degree sexual assault
Richard M. SodkeWhite4th degree sexual assault
Robert E. SchulistWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert J. HaesslyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert J. HintzWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert M. EdwardsWhitePossession of child pornography
Robert M. GriffinBlackThird-degree sexual assault
Robert M. HipkeWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child, sexual assault of a child
Robert R. PundsackWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Robin G. PetersonWhitePossession of child pornography
Ronald E. TibbettsWhiteChild enticement
Roy GrorichWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Ryan D. CevanWhiteCause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Samuel J. BehnkeWhiteFourth degree sexual assault
Scott A. KieferWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Scott E. ThomasWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Scott T. PretatWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Stefen G. SpringerWhiteFourth degree sexual assault
Steven K. LehmanWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Tabitha Jay KrukowskiAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Terry HansenWhiteDistribution of child pornography
Terry StemperWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, third-degree sexual assault
Thomas L. BaltzellWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Timothy A. KniprathWhiteThird-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Todd D. MoskonasWhiteThird-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Trevor J. WolosekWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Troy D. SchrodaWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Troy Neel ThompsonWhiteSexual assault
Vanak KhlapAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Vennino V. VasquezWhiteFalse imprisonment
Vince E. KluckWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Wayne A. MoonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Wells A. OswaltWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
West A. RodriguezWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
William A. BrunsellWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Willie H. JacksonBlackThird-degree sexual assault
Willie L. WashingtonBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Zachary Martin HilleWhiteAttempted dissemination of obscene material to a person under 18